2015 Photos
2015 Board of Directors; Front row, L-R: Sharon Jahn, Debbie Foster, Mary Riley. Back row: Rebecca Felts, Jean Robinson, Aimee McAfee, Tina Stevens and Hillary Keeton.
Attendees at the February 21 session.
Thomas Bullock from VML Insurance speaks at the February Session.
Debbie Foster, Jean Robinson and Hillary Keeton greet Jackie Jackson at the February session.
Hollie Cammarasana speaks at the February session.
Brian Marks and Jeff Hewit at the February session.
Tina Stevens, Hollie Cammarasana and Thomas Bullock at the February session.
Debbie Foster introduces Heidi Swecker at the April session.
Heidi Swecker discusses effective employee benefit communication.
Heidi Swecker, Craig Rupert, Claire Holbrook, Debbie Foster, Peg Palmore and Kim Smith at the April session.
Attendees at April session.
Carl Perry, Rebecca Felts, Laura Denton, Jean Murphy and Dustin Shuman at the April session.
President Debbie Foster kicks off the June session.
Bill Howard speaks at the June session.
Gary Powers and Susan Rash chat at the June session.
Patti Rittling speaks at the June session.
Attendees at June 2015 session.
Attendees at June 2015 session.
Attendees at June 2015 session.
Attendees at June 2015 session.
June 2015 session attendees.
Jared Cohen speaks at the June 2015 session.
Tina Stevens speaks at June 2015 session.
Michelle Jackson speaks at June 2015 session.
Chapter dinner at Symposium in Vancouver. From left to right are Craig Rupert, Sharon Jahn, Kim Csan, Jeff Jahn and Janet Bassel.
Marilyn Brennan speaks at the September half day session.
Kenneth Lowe speaks at the September half day session.
Barry Schmitt speaks at the September half day session.
Attendees at the September half day retirement session.
Jean Robinson speaks at the September half day retirement session.
Debbie Green moderates a session at the Vancouver Symposium.
Laura Vetter, Jared Cohen, Craig Rupert, Mike Huennekens, and Hillary Keaton at the October session.
Jean Robinson, Debbie Foster, Rebecca Felts and Lyle Beckner at the October session.
Tom Heim from BB&T addresses the chapter on cyber security at the October session.
Sharon Jahn and Craig Rupert on whale watch tour.
Downtown Vancouver waterfront.
Downtown Vancouver waterfront - outdoor yoga.
The "Lego" killer whale - Vancouver waterfront.
Sharon and Jeff Jahn on whale watch tour.
Bald eagle on whale watch tour.
Pod of killer whales on whale watch tour in Vancouver.
Humpback whale breaching in Vancouver. (If you want to see more of this whale, her name is "Big Mama", code named BCY0324, and she can be seen here:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdlrnMbx0o0
Humpback whale breaching.
Humpback breaching.
Humpback whale slapping fins.
Craig Rupert and sister (left) on bicycle tour of Vancouver with tour guide at seawall.
Bike tour of Vancouver along seawall in Stanley Park.
Bike tour group pausing for historical talk on waterfront.
Jellyfish in Vancouver Aquarium.
Debbie Foster presides over the Annual Meeting.
Dave Werner, Mike Huennekens, Sharon Jahn and Brian Marks at the Annual Meeting.
Susan Landsidle, Mary Riley, Tina Stevens, Nick Ciccolo and Dustin Shuman at the Annual Meeting.
Tricia Spinner, Jared Cohen, Hillary Keeton and Gary Powers at the Annual Meeting.
Director of the Valentine Museum, Bill Martin, speaks at the Annual Meeting.
Debbie Foster congratulates Sharon Jahn on her CEBS Fellowship.
Outgoing President Debbie Foster and incoming President Jean Robinson.
New President Jean Robinson addresses the chapter at the Annual Meeting.
Hillary Keeton runs the Richmond Marathon. Go Hillary!