2017 Photos
2017 Board members, L-R: Hillary Keeton, Nick Ciccolo, Julie Harrison, Kim Csan, Sharon Jahn, Rebecca Felts and Jean Robinson. (Thanks to all for enduring the cold for this shoot!)
President Rebecca Felts kicks off the year with the February educational session.
Jackie Weisgarber speaks at the February 2017 session on Social Security.
Brooke Baker discusses Medicare at the April session.
Rebecca Felts introduces the speaker for the April session.
Brooke Baker discusses Medicare at the April session.
Members and guests enjoy the social at Legend Brewery.
Jean Robinson and Greg Peete at the social.
Jared Cohen and Brian Marks at the social.
Audience at the full day session.
Susan Rash speaks at the Full Day session.
Beth Bursig reviews prescription trends at the Full Day Session.
Joann Hall-Swenson speaks at Full Day session.
Jim Gregware discusses the Mercer Survey results at the Full Day session.
Sherelyn Hammett speaks at the Full Day session.
Steve Lovings addresses the audience at the Full Day session.
Kevin and Beth Barger at Symposium in Denver.
Symposium prize winners! Congrats to President Rebecca Felts, 3rd from left.
Air Force Academy chapel, Colorado Springs.
Balanced Rock, Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs.
Blue Bear at Denver Convention Center.
Coors Brewery, Golden Colorado.
Downtown Golden, CO.
Elk Herd, Rocky Mountain National Park.
Elk in the wild, Rocky Mountain National Park.
Kim Csan on Rocky Mountain National Park tour.
Seahorse at Denver Aquarium.
Kim Csan, Craig Rupert and Sharon Jahn in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Sharon Jahn and husband Jeff at Continental Divide, Rocky Mountain National Park.
Sunrise over Rocky Mountain National Park.
Kevin Barger, Jeff Jahn, Sharon Jahn, Craig Rupert and Rebecca Felts.
Jeff Jahn and Craig Rupert enjoying a beer in Golden, CO.
President Rebecca Felts welcomes everyone to the annual meeting.
Kathryn Whittington speaks about Hollywood Cemetery at the annual meeting.